Mirrors & Windows:
Literacy Towards Thriving

In this conversation, we will take up the concept of mirrors, windows, and sliding doors. A window is a story that gives you a glimpse into another person's life. A sliding door allows the reader to enter the story and become a part of it. A mirror is a story that reflects your own culture and helps you establish your identity. Together, these elements foster a strong sense of community and self toward thriving. Speaking to educators, we will discuss literacy in a post-pandemic world and how it contributes to the healing and thriving of our communities. This talk is geared towards educators interested in incorporating this concept in their various contexts and community members who are interested in the mental and emotional impacts of reading on young children. Together, we desire to expand our horizons and show that community help makes healing possible.

Patricia H. Krijgsman-Wentzel is an Ontario Certified Teacher, with over 10 years of experience in the Elementary Classroom. She centers her teaching around diverse and equitable practices. Patricia believes that literacy skill development is critical in the inner-city classroom and leads to greater opportunities for students.

Jacqueline Domingo is an Ontario Certified Teacher with 10 years of overseas and Canadian experience in Elementary education. She started her career teaching at an inner-city school in London, England. In 2017, she moved back to Toronto, first working at a private special education school for children with varying exceptionalities, and then at an inner-city school for the TDSB. Jacqueline believes that the mental health and well-being of students is intrinsically linked to academic success. She has supported the Running and Reading program at her school since 2019.


Voices 2022: An Indigenous Reading & Learning Circle